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Everforex employs the following flat fee structures:

International TT/Wire, or resending
CAD $20.00
Domestic transfer (recommanded) for CAD in Canada is free. The reward point can waive the transfer fee (except Chinese CNY TT).
Tracing a payment
CAD $45.00
Tracing a payment because of the wrong info provided by customer.
Bank draft/Money order
CAD $20.00
Everforex purchases a bank draft or money order on behalf of customer.
Everforex CAD cheque
CAD $2.00
Everforex issues a CAD cheque to customer.
Rejected customer cheque
Charge for rejected customer cheque.
Non-exchange fee
0.05% ~ 2%
Customer transfer fund without exchange. Call Everforex for fee for a specific currency.

The fee structures may vary subject to market movement.

Forex turnover or referring a client can accumlate the points, which can be applied to an international fund transfer to waive the transfer fee.

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