


汇联提示 : 重要更新:银行本票存入规定

2018-03-21 17:32:29 PST (GMT-08:00
Editor: everadmin Approved By: everadmin2 (Reads:3291)
Dear fellow traders,

Effective immediately, the rule for depositing a bank draft over the Everforex counters is updated as following:

The funds will be held for 10 business days due to the clearance procedure changes. During the hold, you can: exchange to another currency freely, online or offline (ie: over the counter);  initialize a fund transfer request online or offline, however the payment instruction will be processed after ten business days.

The following items should be presented when you bring the draft to us: the "Customer copy" of the bank draft (Everforex will retain that copy.); the bank receipt/slip when you purchased the bank draft from the bank; the business card of your bank teller/account manager who issued the bank draft; 

The title of the bank draft should be exact "EVERFOREX FINANCIAL CORP.".

We appologize for any inconveniences incurred. To value your payment quicker, we recommand you to wire your funds to Everforex, instead of bringing in a bank draft. Registered clients please contact our offices if you need our bank account details for wires.

Everforex Payment Control
Toll free: (800) 699 4816